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Lähetetty: 14 Syys 2014, 14:04
Arto Lauri 70 37 Danger
Arto Lauri 69 SL-1 SL-2
exploded uraanikapseleita
ruptured ruptured ruptured
NUCLEAR FUELS - Engineering Journal
www.engj.org/index.php/ej/article/viewFile/30/25 - Cached -
L. Introduction. The history and future of the nuclear reactor
designed for electricity production (and other ... In this paper, the materials constraints of the current light-water reactors are
Described along with a new .... of noble-metal fission products in the same region. Taking ...... U as the major component, the anode reaction ...
The core of monotheism
usa usa usa
One could even speak of energy, "monotheism".
However, coal, oil and gas allowed to buy dozens of different countries.
This is one of the key exception. Uranium is NOT to buy only and only one isotope of the refinery from RUSSIA!
Iran tried to break this taboo and got the USA to bring the aircraft carriers shores! USA by demanding forced Iran to buy herself unnecessarily Russian nuclear mafia monopoly! Wall's crazy!
Arto Lauri 70. 37 Danger
Arto Lauri 69. SL-1 SL-2
Räjähtäneitä uraanikapseleita
revennyt revennyt revenny
NUCLEAR FUELS - Engineering Journal
www.engj.org/index.php/ej/article/viewFile/30/25 - Välimuistissa -
I . Introduction. The history and future of the nuclear reactor
designed for electricity production (and other ... In this paper, the materials constraints of the current light-water reactors are
described along with a new .... of noble-metal fission products in the same region. ...... Taking U as the major component, the anode reaction ...
Ydin monoteismi
usa usa usa
Voitaisiin puhua vaikka energian "monoismista".
Kivihiiltä, öljyä ja kaasuja saa ostaa kymmeniltä eri mailta.
Tästä on YKSI keskeinen poikkeus. Uraania SAA ostaa ainoastaan ja vain YHDESTÄ isotooppi jalostamon maasta VENÄJÄLTÄ!
Iran koetti rikkoa tätä TABUA ja sai USA tuomaan lentotukialukset rannoilleen! USA vaatimalla pakotti Iranin ostamaan itselleen tarpeettoman venäläisen ydinmafian monopolilta! Seinähullua!
Arto Lauri 70 37 Danger
Arto Lauri 69 SL-1 SL-2
exploded uraanikapseleita
ruptured ruptured ruptured
NUCLEAR FUELS - Engineering Journal
www.engj.org/index.php/ej/article/viewFile/30/25 - Cached -
L. Introduction. The history and future of the nuclear reactor
designed for electricity production (and other ... In this paper, the materials constraints of the current light-water reactors are
Described along with a new .... of noble-metal fission products in the same region. Taking ...... U as the major component, the anode reaction ...
The core of monotheism
usa usa usa
One could even speak of energy, "monotheism".
However, coal, oil and gas allowed to buy dozens of different countries.
This is one of the key exception. Uranium is NOT to buy only and only one isotope of the refinery from RUSSIA!
Iran tried to break this taboo and got the USA to bring the aircraft carriers shores! USA by demanding forced Iran to buy herself unnecessarily Russian nuclear mafia monopoly! Wall's crazy!
Arto Lauri 70. 37 Danger
Arto Lauri 69. SL-1 SL-2
Räjähtäneitä uraanikapseleita
revennyt revennyt revenny
NUCLEAR FUELS - Engineering Journal
www.engj.org/index.php/ej/article/viewFile/30/25 - Välimuistissa -
I . Introduction. The history and future of the nuclear reactor
designed for electricity production (and other ... In this paper, the materials constraints of the current light-water reactors are
described along with a new .... of noble-metal fission products in the same region. ...... Taking U as the major component, the anode reaction ...
Ydin monoteismi
usa usa usa
Voitaisiin puhua vaikka energian "monoismista".
Kivihiiltä, öljyä ja kaasuja saa ostaa kymmeniltä eri mailta.
Tästä on YKSI keskeinen poikkeus. Uraania SAA ostaa ainoastaan ja vain YHDESTÄ isotooppi jalostamon maasta VENÄJÄLTÄ!
Iran koetti rikkoa tätä TABUA ja sai USA tuomaan lentotukialukset rannoilleen! USA vaatimalla pakotti Iranin ostamaan itselleen tarpeettoman venäläisen ydinmafian monopolilta! Seinähullua!